Gulf Coast Drug Rehab program clients are not considered, or treated as, “patients” – but as “students” who are learning to regain control of their lives. Gulf Coast rehab program students do not enroll to recover from an “illness;” they enroll to learn something that they don’t already know.
There is no such thing as a “victim” in the Gulf Coast program way of thinking. Even if life has dealt one a bad hand of cards, the road out is through personal recognition of responsibility for one’s own condition. Gulf Coast staff prepare graduating students with “re-entry” programs to follow as they re-start their lives
on a new foot.
But the full Gulf Coast rehab program is intended to produce graduates who can stand on their own feet and live drug-free, ethical lives thereafter. Our graduates do not go to weekly meetings for months after completion, nor do they describe themselves as “recovering.”
Lifetime Recovery
Students who have graduated from the Gulf Coast program have recovered. They have obtained a new orientation in life. The premise of the Gulf Coast model is that a former addict can achieve a new life.
If graduates use the tools they have practiced and learned to use, the Gulf Coast graduate can stay well. This is not theoretical. There are three decades of graduates who will swear by it. The Gulf Coast program averages from two to four months to complete, depending entirely upon individuals and their ability to fully understand each one of the program’s steps. “It takes as long as it takes.”